The vision for the life and work of Cornerstone Ministries is rooted in our conviction that God loves the whole world and that every person is important, loved, and matters to God. It is our mission to convince every person we meet of this truth, which we believe is the Gospel, and which we have discovered from the personal experience of God's love in our own lives.
Every organization has a set of values which is foundational to its existence. For us, three movements are central to all that we aspire to be and all that we feel called to do:
Deep Conversion. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to genuine and ongoing conversion of self and others.
Deep Community. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to live an authentic and dynamic life with the Church.
Deep Engagement. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to engage the world and our community in mission, outreach, and meaningful development.
Cornerstone Pastoral Counseling and Wellness Center
We provide counseling, spiritual direction, mental health referral and support, life coaching, and support group ministry to the community free of charge.
Cornerstone Ministries provides weekend food backpacks to nearly 70 area children weekly in two elementary schools. We are also expanding to a summer feeding program. In addition, we provide coats, shoes, and other specialty/holiday items to program participants.
Bible Institute
Cornerstone Ministries' Bible Institute provides various formats and opportunities for interested parties to engage in an in-depth study of Scripture, spirituality, and theology. Directed by Dr. Richards, this ministry serves to empower and equip Christian believers with a sound Biblical and theologcal foundation for living.
Cornerstone Kids Connection
Kids Connection is our children's ministry which focuses on providing Christian education to our community through our Children's Mobile Ministry Unit. We hold various events throughout the year.
Cornerstone United Men's Ministry
Cornerstone United Men’s Ministry (formerly United Methodist Men). is a chartered United Methodist Men's discipleship and service organization which meets on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Janes Memorial United Methodist Church. Cornerstone United Methodist Men also provide Carpenter's Hands Ministry, which provides service to the community through small-scale "odd jobs" to members of the community in need of assistance, as well as smoke detector battery and device replacement services.
Cornerstone United Women in Faith
Cornerstone Ministries has three United Methodist Women’s groups. The Cornerstone United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women) have provided opportunities for fellowship, service, and mission for more than 150 years. Our United Methodist Women meet according to the following schedule:
Boothsville: 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Eldora: 2nd Mondays of the month at 6:30 p.m.
Janes Memorial: 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1:00 p.m.
Upper Room Prayer Center
The Upper Room Prayer Center is a community prayer ministry located at 1351 Middletown Rd., Fairmont, WV. The prayer center houses daily prayer groups, special prayer events, Cornerstone School of Prayer, prayer counseling rooms for Transformational Prayer Ministry, as well as a quiet, dedicated location for personal prayer.
"Doing together what each of us could not do alone."
We are an association of autonomous churches who voluntarily seek to coalesce around particular ministry initiatives, programs, and outreach opportunities for the sake of the Gospel as a witness to Christian unity among distinct members of the Body of Christ.
Tygart Valley Mission, Inc.
Tygart Valley Mission is the regional mission hub of Cornerstone Ministries to the people of Tygart River Valley. Its mission is to serve as the local regional mission field for Cornerstone Ministries, The United Methodist Church in fulfilling its own mission to witness to the truth and power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, its systems, and its people in full participation as the Beloved Community of God.